Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Paci's Back!!

We took Catherine's pacifier on 3-27 as Dr. Stewart told us it was time now that she is 15 months old.  I asked her how to do it and she said "cold turkey".  So....... that is what we did!!!  The first two days were a breeze!!!  She did not cry or ask for it at all.  Then, about the third day, all she did was cry!!  We would put her down for a nap and she would cry for about an hour or more.  On 3-29, as I was trying to pack and get ready for Lads to Leaders and Gatlinburg, I "caved" after hearing her scream for 1 1/2 hours.  As soon as she got it back, she put her head on my shoulder and went to sleep.  And now,she seems to be even more attached to it than ever.  Maybe she scared we are going to take it again??????  Mommy is scared too!!


  1. Both of my kids had their paci until after age three. Of course, by that age, they just had it at night and nap. They knew the rule was that it must stay in their bed.
    I think it's fine :) They're only little once.... and, it gave my kids SO MUCH COMFORT! Doesn't every kid get braces now anyway?? Ha!
    Zoe decided that she didn't need her paci the same week she decided that she would wear panties from that day forward! She was about 3 years and two months.
    Luke was a little bit older. It was a little bit harder on him, but after 48 hours, he was FINE without it.... I think it's because he understood he was big and didn't need it.... (it also helped that he got a cool Scooby Doo toy after he slept all night without his paci!)
    Good luck!

  2. Paci's. I know! Colin never took one. I had prayed he would since he had colic for 3 months. Nothing. Carson was totally addicted. He would have two or three in his mouth at once. When we took it away, he did pretty good. After a month or so, he had a really bad night. Screaming not stop, nothing suited, nothing helped. I told Jeff to get the paci (we had like 12 in a ziploc bag). Gave it to him and he was fine. Went right to sleep. I cried like a baby and felt like such a failure! I don't think he ever took it again after that night. Carter had his. I don't think he really "needed" it. We had to take it away because it was getting shared at daycare along with hand, foot, and mouth disease.

    How can something so small cause so much trouble? Babies are babies. We do what we can to comfort them, even it is giving back the paci!
