Thursday, July 3, 2014

"The House That Built Me"

Hilton Head 2014

Fun with Friends

Emma and Hallie came for a visit this summer. The girls had not seen each other since they were little, but caught right up and had a wonderful time.

Bye, Bye Foo Foo

On June 26th, Catherine saw a bunny in the yard. We asked her if she wanted to leave her foo-foos for the "Easter" bunny, and she said "yes". So we could not miss this opportunity. We left a note, a carrot and the foo-foos on a small rock outside and the Easter bunny left lots of goodies for Catherine the next morning. She has done very well without them. She will occasionally ask for them, but it has not been as bad as expected.

Surgery Day!!

On June 19th, we headed to Kosair Children's Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky for what was the longest day of my life. I had never felt so helpless as when they rolled Chloe away into the operating room. After 10 hours, her little heart was repaired by Dr. Johnsrude (and the Great Physician). No more WPW!!

Mother's Day with Nanny

We spent Mother's Day with Nanny this year. The girls had their first ice cream sandwiches :)