Saturday, December 2, 2017

Eclipse 2017

We got a once in a lifetime experience.... a total eclipse. We headed to FCA to experience this with our friends. It was truly an amazing experience, almost completely dark for several seconds.

Shine 2017

First Piano Lesson

Catherine had her first piano lesson this Fall with Ms. Aleshia.

Kindergarten and Fourth Grade

I can't believe it is time to start school again. These girls are growing up too fast.

Uh Oh!!!!

Chloe hurt her foot at the gym. We weren't really sure how badly she was hurt, but Stephen decided to take her to the doctor. She had sprained her foot and had to be on crutches for about a week. Luckily, she was able to walk before the first day of school.

Getting Ready for Kindergarten

A few parents from Catherine's kindergarten class organized a picnic at the park so the children and families could get to know each other a little better before school started. It was a fun day!!

"Family" Reunion with the Mustreads

Every year, we are invited to the Mustread's Family Reunion. It is a weekend full of food, games, swimming, fireworks, and friends. We enjoy spending time with such a nice family.