Monday, September 30, 2013

Catherine's First Goose Egg

Chloe has recently wanted to pretend that Catherine is her baby and pick her up a lot. Yesterday, as she was setting her down, Catherine tripped over Chloe's foot and hit the corner of the TV. I am sure this is the first of many goose eggs!!

Chloe's New Bike

Grammy and O'Pa got Chloe a new bike to ride when she is in Russellville. It has lots of extras including a light that flashes when you ride, a basket, and a kickstand!! What a cool bike!!

Hat Day in Ms. Lee's Class

Chloe's show and tell on Friday was to bring a homemade hat. This was her masterpiece.

Guess Who Let Her Do This??

Fun with Friends at Chaney's

On Saturday night, we headed to Chaney's with the Davenports to celebrate Chaney's 10 year anniversary. Great time with good friends.

Locks of Love

Chloe decided to donate seven inches of her hair to Locks on Love on Friday. She likes it and so does her mommy!!

Catherine's First Day at Big Red School

Catherine had her first day of "school" last week. She was a pro and Mrs. Lisa said that she acted like she had been coming for years!! AD11a4wpvPE/Ukl9uBdn2zI/AAAAAAAAC0M/P4ssQvFqURU/s1600/August-November+2013+053.jpg" imageanchor="1" >

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Early Mornings

Early in the mornings, Catherine likes to snuggle in our bed!!

Bowling with Friends

To celebrate the beginning of school, we went bowling with the Depps!! I did not get a picture of Dayton, sorry!! The kids had a great time!!

Chloe Starts Kindegarten

It is so hard to believe how fast five years have flown by. The first day Chloe was at school was not too bad. The second day, it was just way too quiet, and I cried all day. Chloe is liking school more each day and meeting many more friends. She did not like it very well at first because many of the friends that were in her preschool class did not come back to FCA. I hope and pray that she will grow to love it more each day!!

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

During our visit to Chaney's, Catherine was not feeling well, but we assumed it was her teeth as was cutting about four teeth. The next day, I decided to take her to the doctor because she was unusually grumpy and still running a temp. The doctor said, "Have you looked inside her mouth?" I said "no" because she will not open her mouth to even brush her teeth. She pointed out small sore sores on her tongue and knew that it was Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. Little did we know that it was going to get a lot worse. Catherine had the worst case I have ever seen! She would stand on her head and scream at times because she would be in so much pain. I think the blisters went down her throat. The only relief she could get was after taking Motrin. It took several weeks for the blisters to finally go away. I hope we NEVER get this virus again!!