Thursday, June 27, 2019

The House on Peveler Drive

The selling of this house is bittersweet to me. It is the house that my grandmother lived in and, after she passed, my Mom and Dad moved it. I am so grateful for all of the wonderful memories I have of this house, but am so thankful for answered prayers to have Grammy and O'Pa living next door.

Christmas at Grammy and O'Pa's House

This holiday season proved to be a rough time for our family. Grammy had to have surgery on her foot right before Christmas and O'Pa's is still not feeling well. We made the best of it, but hope and pray for a better year next year.

Christmas 2018

Christmas at Mindy's House

This year we celebrated with the "Pitcock" family at Mindy's house. Nanny fried lots of chicken and we had lots of delicious sides!!

Class Christmas Party at the Moore's House